Disruption by GIVING

There’s been plenty of market disruptions in real estate and they typically involve some tech company getting in between the service provider - you - and the consumer. For that effort, that tech company scrapes off 30-35% of the commission from the Realtor and keeps it for their lead generation efforts. But it does no good for the consumer.

Then there are some companies that offer the value proposition that they would give 1% of the Realtor’s 3% commission back to the consumer. Sounded good to the consumer, but let’s face it, they typically didn’t get the best Realtor because those were often lower compensated, salaried agents. The reality is, the best agents don't work for those companies.

Then there are programs to help “Heroes” where they took 25-30% of the Realtor’s commission and gave most of that back to the Hero in the form of a closing cost assistance. Now we’re getting better…

Many Realtors and lenders do various things for charities as part of their business model. We applaud those efforts and thought there might be an opportunity to do more by combining the efforts of many professionals into one network that could have a bigger impact by putting together a systematic giving program that could be promoted on a larger scale.

And the idea for the Give Network was born. It’s our goal to take a hybrid approach to disrupt the market by combining lead generation with doing good for consumers and charities. We do this by advertising a nationwide network of real estate and mortgage professionals who’ve committed to giving a portion of their commissions back to the home buyer/seller with an additional commitment to give back to a charity of the consumer’s choice. The Give Network keeps none of the money the real estate agent or lender are committing to give back. ALL of it goes to the consumer and charity.

A socially responsible business model designed to increase the business of our members as a means to do more good for consumers and their communities.

Real estate agents and lenders can become part of the Give Network by selecting a membership level - Platinum, Gold, or Silver. That membership will have a monthly membership fee which will be used to support our marketing efforts to direct consumers who are looking to buy, sell, or refinance a home to give-network.org to find a Realtor and loan officer who are members.

The higher membership levels come with higher, more prominent placement on the website (and therefore better chances of making a connection with a consumer) and requires a higher level of commitment to give more back to the consumer and their chosen charity.

It is our goal with the Give Network to attract consumers to use our Give Network professionals because not only will they get closing cost assistance, but they’ll get a great professional and they'll do something good for their community with a charitable donation made in their honor.